My sons Cherrry tree in his garden is looking poorly, with the growing tips going brown . First thoughts were not enough water but we've had...
Any ideas please ? My sister has an Acer in her garden (50th wedding anniversary present) , planted in the last twelve months in the lawn .Last...
Please can anyone suggest what I am doing wrong with my Galathea house plant. Despite watering, the leaves look dull and dry with brown marks...
My lawn is extensively infected by whatcI think are mining bees . Have Googled to see how I can iraddicate ( although lots of people say leave...
[ATTACH] I purchased coreopsis 'Heavens gate' as plug plants from a well known on line supplier ( maybe a mistake! ). On arrival there were brown...
I foĆ¹nd this in a pot in my garden but can't remember planting it and have no idea what it is . The root/tuber looks almost like a ginger root but...
I saw this plant in Parsonage Gardens, Didsbury, Manchester .It looked fantastic with large bright green veined leaves . Looked a useful plant...
Please can anyone identify this plant/ weed which is quite a spreader . Its growing in the woodland borders of some local gardens I volunteer at (...
Please can you identify this plant . Is it pulmonaria ?
[ATTACH] [ATTACH] Can anyone identify this tree please -never seen one before . It is in a suburban garden near where I live .
I have a pot with onion seeds in and when I disturbed the soil today hundreds of these, what look like baby spiders with yellow bodies came...
I purchased this plant at Aberconwy nursery some months ago but unfortunately lost the label -so don't know what the plant is called . Can anyone...
[ATTACH] I am currently in Funchal in Madeira and came across this plant in one of the public parks .Can anyone identify it please ? ( sorry not...
Please can anyone recommend a machine for plant labelling -Dymo /Brother etc ? As I am tired of permanent markers on my plant labels that still...
[ATTACH] Hi. Can anyone please identify this tree which is in the garden of my sons new house. It looks like it might be deciduous but as of...
I have raised this thread earlier in the summer and one answer was it needed more water. However my Cornus "China girl" planted last Autumn still...
[ATTACH] I am trying to locate the seeds on two of my lobelia speciosa and having a problem identifying where they are. I may also be trying to...
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