Hi All, Don't want to rub it in but we've had about 20lb of our early rasps and they are very old plants. I inherited them whith the allotment....
Hi Scotkat, Lucky you, it's been cold and miserable here with intermittent rain. From the photo I would say that you have a Cherry Tree. I belive...
It has been a bumper year for cabbage white butterflies and although I've picked off quite a few caterpillars, they've had a good old feed on my...
Hi PJ I shall be planting spring greens. I sowed them last week and they are just poking through the compost so they'l be ready for planting by...
Send a photo of the leaf as well as the fruit, it does look like a cherry though!---------------------------- Tony
Hi Kandy, You could always try storing the unwashed beets in dry sand. keep them in a frost free shed, and in the dark. They will keep like this...
Hi Gogs, Can you recommend "a good breed" I normally grow Musselburgh and Lyon Prizetaker in the allotment, dibbled in about 6" and left alone. I...
Hi Gogs, Have never grown pot leaks but would love to know your secret, You must have been good to get a 3rd prize.
If they have plenty of water and feed it sounds like a pollination problem. A bit late for this year but try planting sweet peas nearby to attract...
Sorry, missed an 's' of should bewww.theallotmentsandgardenscounciluk.org.uk
If you join "The Allotments and Gardens Council UK", it will cost you �£10 a year, you get seeds, and seed potatoes from well known suppliers at...
Hi, I've grown sweet peppers for the last couple of years with mixed success. I have come to the conclusion that you really need a heated...
Hi barbaraanne, I saw a guy on the "Big Dig", BBC program on allotments a couple of weeks ago who cracked his coriander seed by placing it in a...
Hi Frogesque, If you have a greenhouse just keep one of the mature fruits and let it dry out naturally. When it is dry remove the seeds and keep...
Definately not, the larvae of the carrot fly will hatch and lay dormant in your compost ready for next year. Best to burn them. If you have...
Hi Kandy, Lady Balfour, Lady Christl and Sarpo Axona all came from Thompson and Morgan, a bit pricy but well worth buying. I grew Lady Christl a...
Hi, Stop feeding them, keep well watered and reap the harvest. Think yourself lucky next year may be a famine! BigT
Hi, Not sure whether this will work, but I don't think that it will do any harm. Try a foliar feed spray. This can give a it a boost and promote...
Hi Albert, Sounds like the dreaded "Carrot Fly" it got all of mine last year. This year I've taken belt braces and piece of string precautions and...
Hi Tintin, I find that cucumbers need quite a lot of attention. I can't say where you've gone wrong, but this is what I do:- Indoor variety,...
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