Hi, it's been a while since I've been on this site, but need your help again please. My garden has always been prone to holding water, and...
Hi Tam - fab topic title!!! Isnt' it great to be full of enthusiasm for something?Lots of lovely people here (some stranger than others, and...
been to york today, model railway show over 3 floor, nice displays but mostly oo. And very little trade stalls so a little disappointing. Still,...
Got to say, I wouldn't call them a blott on the landscape - I'd swap my house for either of those any day!
Yep, I think wall plate too!
Well ours is well and truly dismantled with only a couple of things left unsold. Plenty of money in his pot to fund his new vision!! Will post...
Wow. Fantastic do this as a career?
Happy birthday for Wednesday Whiley!! Flat, friends and fairys look fab [img]
OK,I'll do I haven't left it too late. Fab.
Hi guys, need your help again please [img]Getting to grips with tidying the new allotment. Taking shape now. Today sown first of our...
How wonderful MF - it's beautiful!
Fire guard, fender?
hole punch (laid on it's side?!)
I'm going to guess the next one right and make it a real humdinger .... just you wait!! [img] Well done LOL, knew I could rely on you!!
Here you go, think I've sussed it. Not brilliant, and I'm at work all day tomorrow so won't be able to log on until tea time!! Think LOL will...
Whilst I work it out, feel free to post the next puzzler....
Please, someone take my place, I'm struggling!(do we use photobucket and put in url like the avatar???!!!)
Separate names with a comma.