2045: The Singularity$1000 buys a computer a billion times more powerful than all human brains today. This means that average and even low-end...
I used a belt sander, worked well
Nigel Farage and UKIP all they way :blue thumb: That guys face at 2.16 in the video is a picture lol. Watch out for the hegelian dialectic...
You can not discuss GM without discussing Monsanto. When technology is so powerful it can kill the whole planet then banning one company can be...
http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1189345/ I can only show you the door, it is you who has to walk through it...
lol, I just get passionate about the things i believe in and i've done the research on organic growing and side by side plant tests, it's...
This rubbish about there being too many mouths to feed without chemical ferts is a sick joke played on us by big agriculture/big oil. I suppose...
If you can't understand people concerns about GM crops then you obviously haven't researched the subject at all. You should go watch "The world...
The people in this thread who are saying organic growing is "pointless" obviously did not read this part of my post... "Chemical fertilisers and...
Why grow organic? From the earliest forms of forrest farming tens of thousands of years ago right up to the turn of the 20th century, man has...
Mods Edit : Could members please refrain from posting copyrighted material without quoting the source. Thank you.
Bat guano is great stuff.
Moderator's Warning, Very Strong Language. [media] Discuss
I updated the flash greeting on my website.take a look and let me know if you think its better than before or if i should stick to the old...
If we went to the moon in the 60's, why haven't we or any other nation gone back?
ah well the internet was great whilst it lasted, a breath of freedom.
^^^ people seem to think politicians are incompetent and its all a big accident, now we got some new guys in they'll sort everything out. Then...
1. These websites do exist, but at the minute if they were to shut them down then they would just prove all that is said on those sites and add to...
some people have short memories...bbc - BBC NEWS | UK | 'Million' march against Iraq war
hmm, i wouldn't be too sure about that....a million people marched in london against the iraq war, we still went to war and for what??...
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