Alas most of my friends/family are not garden people so tend to (SHOCK/HORROR) slab or concrete their gardens :( So I am alone in my madness for...
Thankyou :)So lovely to see such a welcoming Forum - thanx guys and gals :) This weekend is P-Day for us - ie: moving plants from old home to...
Hello Neighbour :) ... And guess you will hate me for this but Bilbo is our dog's name so a common connection LMAO :D
Thankyou :):hapfeet: Thanks for the very warm welcome everyone :) xxx
Hi everyone I am a female gardener just about to move house and leave many of my lovingly cared for plants and shrubs behind due to their...
Hi everyone Very much a newbie here and I apologise if this is in the wrong section but I am about to move house (this weekend) and I want tot...
Double whammy trees :)
Holly tree masquerading as a Xmas Tree :)
Look at the depth of the snow on the bird table!
Snow tree
Snow crystals
And the horses...
Horse Hair Icicles
Walking the dog
Bolsover Castle under snow haze
Winter sun
Little Lonely Leaf
Blackberry Frost
Vale In The Mist :)
Another view of the Vale
Separate names with a comma.