One of my overwintered cauliflowers always looked a bit slower growing than the rest of the crop, on inspection yesterday I found there was a big...
Creeping thyme is very good, and easy to grow fron seed.
Thanks Dave, now I can go ahead with my planting plan!
Please can someone advise if french beans need to be rotated? I have seen runner beans growing in the same place year after year, and wonder if...
Look in on Nan.CAMG
dendrobium, you are welcome to bring all your stuff for shredding, but you'll have to be quick, we might start charging soon. :D
Had quite an intresting day to day, decided to use the "monster" to shred up some rough stuff, the first lot we put through ended up in the plot...
I started with nothing and worked my way up to extreme poverty.
[img] :cool: :( :rolleyes: [img] :mad: :D :eek:
I'm 62 and think 60s are the reward years, more time, more mony, more choices.
Why did the hedgehog cross the road.To see his flat mate.
Now I'm cross-eyed as well!
All the mad avatars are making me go giddy.
Thanks Dave, good thing I did'nt throw the whole lot out!
My asparagus grown from seed last year, and over-wintered in root trainers looks dead! there are lots if roots showing through the bottom, but...
Thanks for that L.G. I like to plant my pots. flat and earth up when they come through, perhaps I can add some fert.then! I have seen heritage and...
I would like to know if potatoes need any further feeding apart from the manure/compost put into the trench at planting time.
Yes Liz, heavy duty is the word, it's got two chutes one for fine and the other for heavy stuff, have told fellow plot holders to put all...
Busy day yesterday, turned compost into new bins, a bit wet in the middle so the turn should do it good, also put all the leaves into black sacks...
Thanks for that Rossco, will hold on then until end of April, with a bit of luck the weather will have warmed up by then.
Separate names with a comma.