I worked at a day nursery. We did the board a few times till it flew off the table when matron walked in and banned its use. We had got in touch...
Its all looking good Armandii OK, you have whats called an 'ornamental Banana'. Its one I saw at Bananas.org...I kinda borrowed it for...
Ours was'nt predug so thank your lucky stars for that Em, saves a lot of backache, We had ton upon ton of couchgrass to remove. We dug out what...
Update please on its survival.....thanks!!
Don't be soft Kristen, she prolly has a conservatory..........:dancy::heehee: Wow!!! I hope mine has some of that size.
Those are looking great Armandii though I had doubts seeing the first Images...:spinning: Harry, those look good strong plants...nice one!!...
Seen that link before on other palm forums, I bought from him. Care: Cold Tolerance: To 30 degrees Growth Rate: Moderate To Fast...
Ah, Palm Booster. Seen that before, great reviews on palm forums. And:
Those are beautiful Longk! :spinning:
Hello Audrey, Welcome to the forum...enjoy!! Lets se some 'green fingers' work (Images please) :sign0016:
:hapydancsmil::hapydancsmil::hapydancsmil:Rain dancing <--
Tree guards, http://www.tree-shop.co.uk/products_detail.asp?productheadingID=1082
Great clueless, That child was loving every moment under water with goggles on...swam like the proverbial fish.
Beautiful Catz, Now add a Trachicarpus fortunei to your tropical garden. Frost hardy to at least -10. :goodpost::spinning:
Is that not clear Kristen, Never mind I found something else. If your going to try to help out I suggest you do it properly. Not an answer.
I was watching the news tonight, This child was playing on the park with mum. Apparently the child attends a baby swim school. She was'nt very...
My pleasure Woo, This is one of my dogs from long ago. [ATTACH] Casper - Whiteghost.
I took pics of the pink, I have them on C-D somewhere. Your Images are lovely Vicky and Harry.
Please! :ThankYou:
Separate names with a comma.