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A lot of our folk law is connected to plants containing various poisons. Of instance it's said that if you pull up a mandrake root you will hear...
I use the bypas type I can't remember the model number off hand.
£80 quid would be about right the bigger firms can charge less because they are able to do more volume oh a regular basis so will get cheaper...
Have to say I use falco's I use them pretty much every day at work and never had any probs with them they stay sharp well an give you a nice clean...
You could think about the Italian or Spanish court yard style of garden
I worked my way through uni by working for an old fella who ran a caravan storage site but originally he had been a commercial grower so I learnt...
Historically owls were bringers of bad luck an doom Athena used to appear as an owl an that always ended badly for the mortal who saw it. Nice...
Bindweed is lovely when it's growing in a hedge in a field in the middle of nowhere miles away from me, there is that new round up gel stuff that...
I tried knee pads they were ok'ish but personally I prefer a kneeling cushion it works much better
I have actually been thinking about doing a white boarder, I've grown some white fox gloves this year to see what they are like. An white snap...
Well at the moment I have alot of snap dragons and white fox gloves but those I'm going to mix in along a fence I did have a ton of marigolds to...
A rainy good morning to yaSo I was stood in my greenhouse pondering on the fact that I may well have got carried away with my growing from seed...
I grew some gazinas from seed this year I got about 8 good plants an one flowerd the other day ! I was absurdly happy
Yeah but don't Iceland deliver
When ever I go to a party in my normal clothes the first thing people say to me is ooohhhhh I didn't know it was fancy dress :s
When it's raining I just sit with me feet up an a decent cuppa an ponder the life of pigeons.
Tax breaks however are a useful way of generating business investment look at the now struggling British film ind. there used to be tax breaks for...
If it was a bloke in a council house fiddling his tax call me dave an Norman clegg that was would be screaming for the death penalty cos we are...
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