Thanks for your reply! I've noticed that my posting was badly worded. The trees that I’ve, finally, decided on are as follows (I had no idea...
They are all hardy unless you are talking about more exotic fruit ?Sorry to be so late in coming back but Gmail (which I'm now using) is a pain...
I'm thinking of buying some mini-fruit trees and planting them in the garden instead of in containers. They grow only to about 40" high, with the...
Thanks to all. I was, however, looking for two types - the best to plant early and harvest early and the best to plant late and harvest the next...
Next year, I’d like to grow leeks throughout the year - or, at least, as much as possible. I'm thinking of an early variety and a late variety....
I grew "Purple Top Milan" many years ago, on the allotment I had then, but I've never tried growing them since. At the moment, I haven't got a...
The main thing is that my veg plot is not so very big that I can afford to grow large crops or crops that need a large space. I’m not a lover of...
I have overwintering cabbages growing in my veg plot at the moment and wondered what else I could sow or plant at this time of the year, either...
Thanks Jenny, Yes, we love it! I've got many cousins down here and made many friends - now, I will have many questions for Gardenener's Corner,...
Yep!, Jenny! They're pretty good, I'll drink to that! According to Google - we're 7.8 miles (17 minutes by car) from Battle! We are on the...
Hi Zigs, No, the site's not blocked for East Sussex - not yet! I don't know what I did wrong the first time but, I've found it , now! Brilliant!...
Hi Zigs and Mum! I haven't missed Mum's post - I was just searching the Wallis website when your message, Zigs, came through but I cannot find...
Sorry Madahhlia, but I don't just want any old bean, I want to (hopefully!) identify this one! Thanks anyway, John
Can anyone help identify some runner bean seeds, which I was given, a couple of years back, please? They were shiny black and the person who gave...
Thanks to all for your help and advice - I think I'd be better off doing what you suggest, landimad, but I'll, probaby, leave this until Spring...
Thanks! Removing the panes near the vent so as to get access, seem to be the idea, just as you and Pete suggested. It would, also, give me the...
Hi Kristen, thanks for the thought - I wondered if that was the idea but I don't think I could get a photo that would be of any use to us. One...
I never thougth of removing the pane below but that's an idea. The panes are held in by clips and may not be too difficult to remove though they...
As I said, it's aluminium, very light and I wouldn't want to lean too heavily on the surroundong panes.. A photo wouldn't help - it's just broken...
When we moved, a few months back, I inherited an 8ft x 5ft. greenhouse, which is in very good condition (thpough now, because of the rain, it'as...
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