I think I'm still going to try and see how the collected seeds turn out but will also buy some seeds as a backup.Thanks to everyone who helped -...
Hi Pete, That is such a shame as I would so like to try to do these...Petunia Climbing Tidal Wave Mixed -they aren't joking about the size -...
Hi Harry, I have all my propagators with lids from a couple of years ago and I usually do buy seeds from wilkos or online. I just thought I would...
Hi Clueless, Again, thanks for responding. I know nothing about growing under lights and I guess I should have asked advice first but sigh 'tis...
Hi Clueless, Thanks for responding. The grow light is the SunBlaster T5 Nanotech Reflector Combo as shown belowSunBlaster T5 Nanotech Reflector...
Hi Everyone,It's been a while since I've been here due to illness, but I feel well enough to try some gardening again this year.Last year I...
Hi Everyone, I purchased some climbing roses (gardeners glory) to hopefully cover a 12ft x 6ft trellis. They were planted in march and are now...
I forgot to add in the post that the current stems although nearly finished with this years blooms have dozens of what look like baby pods on them...
Hi Folks, It's been a long beautiful summer and I have had such a wonderful time enjoying the garden with the kids and grandkids with today...
Ok, I've potted on the festuca but there were so many that had germinated I ended up with 24 pots of 5 each and still half a tray left over....
Hi again Verdun, Well doing it both ways will be a good experiment. I am also growing two varieties of campanula - carpatica and a bush...
Thanks for that John You know what - I have so many seedlings come through I might try both methods and see what happens. I'm keeping a diary...
Thanks again Verdun Does that mean that each tiny blade that I have now will grow into a bushy plant?
Thanks for that Verdun .. had to look up Hordeum Jubatum lol The Festuca germinated 2 weeks ago and is now about 3 to 4 inches high and I'm not...
A friend of mine had a large garden and when they moved in the brambles were 5ft high. She went and spoke to her local farmer who 'loaned' her...
Hi Folks, My instructions for potting on festuca read ... Once seedlings are large enough to handle, take a small clump of seedlings and put...
Erm, erm, I guess I'm not ready for this ... I surrender! A watering can will do for now
Hi Kirsten, Thanks for that .. I'll keep trying with them. And haven't got anymore of those particular seeds but have loads of others waiting to...
Honeybunny thats just reminded me of when I was a kid (many years ago lol) my dad used to insist that the teapot was emptied onto some particular...
Hi John, The one that developed the growth is campanula carpatica F1 white The ones that haven't germinated are armeria maritima alba,...
Separate names with a comma.