Hi LongK, The Orchids still look very tempting, if they produce bulbs so easy why still expensive, I can't afford them, don't...
Hi Lea, Most of the so called Cactus compost is a waste of time and money, you just need 3 parts JI-2 and 1 part potting grit,...
Hi Carl, I have been moving my plants back out side into the greenhouse and just spotted a couple of buds on Ephiyllum "FLAMINGO"...
Hi Carl, Good to hear your plants are going well, but are they a little too warm? as their growing so well?? I've had a Rhipsalis dry out at...
Hi All, I have just jointed the BCSS (British Cactus & Succs Soc'y) you can join for as little as £4, as an associate member the only difference...
Hi LongK, If you don't mind put me on the list, what would you like?? Got quite a few Cacti & Succs, rooted cuttings, etc.
Hi Stingo, Are your plants growing well, I can't believe you've had no flowers yet. Mine grows up a small plastic trellis, but think I'll move it...
Hi, I too had C.sandersonii, that's the one with a larger flower white inside? Also C.stapeliformis but it never flowered for me.
Hi longK, That's a very nice plant, used to grow mine in a hanging pot! (Think's I might again). The picture of the new growth, this looks a bit...
Hi Stingo, How long have you had these plants? People often make the mistake of thinking that Cacti grow in real deserts like the...
Hi Stingo, How long have you had these plants? they should be resting now not making "New bits" People often make the mistake of...
Anything Cacti & Succulents, herbs, wild flowers, etc....
Anything Cacti or Succulents, herbs and wild flowers....
Hi, Do you have a picture of the plant? I've had this plant for years and no problems at all!! A fungus that would be unusual. mine sits on the...
Hi Aesculus, I wrote to Kakteen-Haage some years ago, as I had read a book by Walther Haage, years ago. The current owner is...
Hi Pete & Sirius, Yes I can only agree with what you have said, it's now nice to know we have a few keen Cactus growers...
Hi LongK, just took a look at your orchids super plants, I've been tempted but never tried them. It would be a problem in Winter as...
Hi Sal, Yes that's why you have to be careful of the plants you bring indoors, just enough water to save the roots, but not enough to...
Hi All, A little time ago Sal ask me to give him some idea of when to water and not too, regarding Cacti & Succs!! Well it seems to get...
Hi Aescuus and all, Looks like a nice job to me, certainly put up better then I did ours. Our back garden is on a slope and I stuck it on what was...
Separate names with a comma.