Starlings and blackbirds will keep leather jackets under control. Chemicals kill friends and foes indiscriminately and will make your...
Not often seen, the flowers of the aspidistra come up from underground. On one of my gigantic and ancient plants, the flowers seem to be...
and some birds (turkeys) have wattles on their necks.
See Creative computer techniques (Page 2)for Magic Wand etc
Well you seem to be handling cut-outs very well, WOO. Are you using freehand tool or inverted magic wand?
Yes - they are not fungi and are perfectly natural.
Pleasure, WOO. The tips (rather than tuition) were intended to be printed out and I'm glad they helped. Seemed to be a good idea at the time.
I disagree. If the hedge is alive then it is layered. If the twigs are cut and woven then it is wattle. Daub is the mixture of clay and dung...
Nice one, WOO! You have come a long way in a very short time - excellent! Glad to see that you are experimenting with lots of different...
Not easy to tell from the photo but it looks like a low layered hedge to me
Wow! Rosa that painting of the stream in Birchanger Woods is beautifully done and so difficult!! All those intricate snow laden branches and...
That is so good, Rosa. Happy that you were able to use one of my photos. Brilliant [img] [img] [img]
Mark Carwardine wrote in BBC Wildlife Magazine said it all:[img]Yet still the wretched programes are shown as endless repats on TV. Still...
Excellent Marge and I have no idea how you did it. Some good stuff coming in on this thread. Some that still needs quite a bit of work, but...
For the first time ever, I totally agree with Germaine Greer. The crocs and other animals he manhandled were always trying to get away FROM him....
Its not about me Roders - I am not participating in any comps. Quite agree with you BM "disgraceful display behaviour towards a well respected...
My suggestion was intended to be positive and was not about past mistakes Dendo. I'm hoping that lessons might be learned. You say that "we...
With respect - it doesn't matter what you call it if the rules are excessive and not owned by all who want to participate.How nice it would...
Trees graft themselves when limbs rub together over a period of time and you get some strange fused effects naturally. As ever, nature does a...
The phrase "bad taste" springs to mind. Where are these poor sad things being tortured?
Separate names with a comma.