Hi Can someone help please? I have been trying to figure out how to add some pictures (not avatars) into postings. :confused: Two examples I am...
Mmmmm Its not you sweeping your water into my garden is it?????? [img]
Hi Honey Bee This is a real tale of woe... :eek: I have a water butt that is collecting water from the roof, trouble is it is collecting it...
Hi Rosa, thank you.I know that if we are still puddled when he comes home he will kill himself trying to get it sorted.. he's that kind of bloke....
This morning at 6am I was struggling to get about 6ins of water away from the back door and out of the porch, It was like the second coming of...
The answer my friend is sowing in the windBy the way, Usually listen to the play in the car on my lunch, didn't today cos got a new CD, was it...
and one just before I go for lunch..Hit me with your shovel MickGhollum
Ok Well I'm at work and bored but howsa bout sweet peas are made of thisGhollum
need a bit of heavy nettle here I think... not into folksy stuff, Oooer this is getting hard Ghollum
I fought the lawn and the lawn won
Still haven't ground what I'm looking for
Gosh this is a hard one.The only one I can think of at the moment is one that goes "The fuschia's so bright I gotta wear shades" (by Timbuk 3)...
Hi PeteThey are really tiny but are in a seed tray and following the instructions to keep them damp I have been spraying them so the top of the...
A while ago I went onto a forum whining that I was a total disaster in the greenhouse .. well I now need some tiny little black plastic pots...
Turned the router off last night and his thingy is now pointing the other way no doubt looking for another sucker :D Really having to resist...
Yikes,,, I have just had a look at the manual and gone to the relevant place on the computer to do what needs to be done ,chickened out and got...
Can you help please? We are on Blueyonder Broadband and have a wireless network so my son can use his computer upstairs.Recently we have had real...
A bit late responding to this but that is because our computer blew up.Anyway a while ago I posted a query on here much like this one in that I...
I have been trying for weeks to get some Lime pips to grow.I have bought loads of limes but they have all been seedless Does anyone have any ideas...
Hi Liz & Sparkle. I have managed to get a good condition hard back copy of the pip book off E-bay for �£3.99.I haven't split the lime yet but it...
Separate names with a comma.