That would be very useful
That looks lovely
Love your winter view.
This thread was a good read. I’ve got one side of back garden which has permanent shade from fence except for a short time first thing. Always a...
You've been busy @fairygirl Great stuff
I’m just sat in my garden having a cuppa and enjoying it :)
Speaking of plants that only like certain gardens….I bought these staychs hummelo from waitrose garden about 8 years ago and they never flowered....
Well it’s 6x4 and compared to the partially brick built whopper I had at the old house it’s “mini” :heehee:
Hello, been too busy with other things in life that gardening has taken a back seat. But I have managed to keep just about on top of it and moved...
This SB invigorator was recommended to me bya chap who worked in a nursery. I’m not sure whats in it but supposed to be pet friendly, can be...
Try SB Invigorator
Got out in the garden at 5pm for a couple of hours. Did a load of dead heading. That hail storm has damaged so many plants :frown:. They look all...
Never seen anything like it! Crazy!will be getting a new patio done next year and will get a soakaway or redirect drainage. Also turned out the...
Havent done much in the garden the last week or so…bought compost but had very weird weather. Crazy hailstorm and garden/pond got flooded. All...
Managed to cut the grass after work….rain forecast tomorrow so good to have got it done
Managed to load my car up with 3 big bags of old turf ready for tip then had migraine. 4 hours later managed to get to tip, stopped in Tesco for a...
@fairygirl Oh that would be lovely if you could! I used to have lots of pink dicentra in my old garden but haven’t got any here at all. White...
Finished work at 4 and was really tired. Thought id better do some weeding and it really perked me up and got me going. Finished off digging up a...
Trying to tidy up general mess. Had a pile of bricks so thought id tidy them and lay them on the ground between raised beds/fence. Had an after...
Had a busy day doing non gardening things but found time to do some watering and then just sitting and enjoying the peace in the area next to the...
Separate names with a comma.