I think the current advice is to check when you buy bamboo that it is a clump forming species and not a runner, and as you say walnut if in doubt...
I have about eight house's that I garden|in one cul-de-sac, and they had the fortune or (mis) depends on how you look at it, of all having their...
Just like normal buddleia then shall have to run down road and beg a cutting fancy doing it as a standard myself wonder if it would suffer a large...
I second what Liz says it is also. someone has one down my road too have been tempted on that one myself but sadly not enough room as they grow...
Hope you had a nice time on your hols, great to have you back though, you didn't go to Ireland did you? keep em coming "every one's a cracker,"now...
Hello and welcome to GC Pammy [img]
Hello and welcome to GC Digital flower [img]
Hello and welcome to GC Eastex [img]
Hello and welcome to GC Fred [img]
Hello and welcome to GC gandygardener [img]
Hello and welcome to GC Mickeylove [img]
Quick update on the situation of the dead frogs found in clients garden last week found three more bodies, no outward signs of disease or...
Hello and welcome to Gc Kazzmazz.
Hello and welcome to GC Netty [img]
Hello and welcome to GC Togo [img]
Hello and welcome to GC Brandy [img]
hello and welcome to GC Loobylou [img]
ummm I think Mr sponge wrote those words now where did I put those golf clubs :D ;)
I like that well done you two keep em comin :D ;)
OWG lucky I read all these I was gonna do that one it doesn't take long for the topical jokes to get around does it. luv em tho keep em comin :D...
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