As I am giving up my allotment place I picked all my potatoes yesterday but not sure of the best way to store them.I read somewhere cover them...
This is the photo I meant to send with my last message but pressded the wrong button[ATTACH]
I have a problem with my pear tree photos enclosed perhaps someone could tell me what the problem is and what I need to do.There are pears on the...
As it is quite hot now will go to the allotment early tomorrow morning and do what you suggested ie work up the suface in both beds and give them...
I have two empty raised beds and want to put carrots in one and lettuce in the other.I have just bought a packet of carrot seeds and a packet of...
I have sown at least three batches of carrot and lettuce seed I did have a problem with the carrots last year as hardly got any but had two many...
Definitely a Oak
Burgess Hill.West Sussex
The runner beans I have in pots are now well grown and wondered if it is ok to plant them out now
I have found 12 3.5in Pots so will plant the seeds at the end of the month
I have just realised I have no 3.5 pots all in use would 2.5 do instead
So should I plant the seeds in 3.5 pots at the beginning of May and put them in my heated Propagator and when they have germinated put into my...
So I should put the seeds into the roottrainers and perhaps then put the roottrainer into my heated propagator and start them off there and pot on...
Thanks for the replies I have got several roottrainers so if I plant the seeds in the roottrainers when would the best time be.I have a unheated...
I planted some sweetcorn seeds in March which were in one of myn heated trays.I transfered them to some 3 inch pots but since I moved them they...
I also forgot to ask about sowing times for shallots
Could someone tell me the best time to plant Runner Beans and Potatos,I will be planting the potato's in potato bags.I used potato bags last year...
I want to start growing my cabbages.kale,cauliflower for example but according to the instructiona on the seeds packets the they should be sown in...
Yesterday I decided to clean the greenhouse as it is strarting to get empty.The first thing was the gutter which was full of leaves from next...
I wondered if anyone on here had used one of the following green cone compost maker There is one in our back garden which was left by the previous...
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