Headphones and a Tom Holland book (Rubicon:The Triumph and Tragedy of the Roman Republic.. my brow is now set at 'high' level) from the missus,...
Cheers for the 'heads up' Mr Clueless! A very useful site...:dbgrtmb:
Suffering succotash! Unfortunately the benefit of hindsight doesn't work too well here in my urban sprawl as there haven't been any farms around...
A good idea best not to jump the gun! As regards the tree I notice I didn't show the whole thing. It does indeed flower, I'll post a clearer...
Progress report: Laid down the grass seeds last week and it's developing nicely but looking a bit patchy, here's some pics: [ATTACH] [ATTACH]...
:redface: :doh:Crikey, I'm a buffoon!! Read the box earlier and it actually states... cough!!.. '45 square metres' which unsurprisingly covered...
Sounds like a good plan. Where's the best site/place to seek out the cheaper seed?
Curses! I had a feeling that'd be the case. Looks like I'll be sowing the seeds next spring then! Accursed cash constraints limit me to what I can...
Hello folks, still hard at it! I've just got hold of some grass seed and top soil. The patch I'm looking to cover is 36 ' x 18', on the grass seed...
Ideally a motor one eventually but as I've some severe cash restraints at the moment I'll look into an electric one. Mind you are there any...
On another future note... my Hover 'Mo Vac' mower is just about coughing and spluttering it's way around at the moment and it seems I may have to...
Yes, I've got a bit of restricted access too,right by a brick wall! Still it can and by Jove will be done!
I think that could be done but considering how awful the weather's been lately I don't seem to get as much time outside before the rain starts...
Hello gang, thought I'd resurrect this thread with a fresh question I'm sure you good people will know the answer to. Recently I dug up an area...
Totally appreciate the advice. As it happens this whole garden project started 2 years ago when my insurance company told me I'd have to chop down...
I've got the rubble under control (wheelie bin over a number of weeks) I've heard of freecyle through my brother-in-law (lives in Matfield, Kent)...
An idea I have entertained many times over the last couple of years, unfortunately my finances are in severe dire straits and couldn't stretch to...
Ah yes, damn good things those sieves. I have one myself, has come extremely in handy to sift out the rubble and save the soil.
Ah yes, I've also got neighbours from both sides who are cat fanatics and some of them are prone to er... 'leaving a deposit' behind in what they...
I started seriously clearing things in about May earlier this year (lots and lots of debris about including a 2 year old fire pit!) I was talking...
Separate names with a comma.