Think the idea of moving pots and baskets from a sunny site into the naff shady area is a good idea. At least that way there is more choice..just...
My other half has heard somewhere about growing 3 different types of veg together if space is limited. Apparently first you plant...
Any suggestions please for plants for baskets, window boxes and containers for my shady front garden. Have got some nasturtiums I've grown from...
Well, I take back all I said about them being too much trouble! After a very worrying start my hyacynths are wonderful and everyone I've given...
I'm no expert ( can you tell?) however have read you shouldn't bring them in too early or you just get leaves but no flowers?? Oh I don't know,...
as an update...We know the heron didn't get them all as several seen for few days afterwards.(and ugly net in place thereafter) However can...
well, amazingly mine seem to be underway now. Majority have started sprouting but not very quickly but definately doing something..doubt if...
What a fantastic photo!!! Did the fish survive?? They are lovely majestic birds!
I've sown quite a few in my greenhouse to give them a good start for next year. Apparently when 4 proper leaves have developed you should pinch...
I had an offer come from a company I bought pansy plugs from some months ago. Their primrose plugs are now half price. I've ordered some but a...
Oh I remember them...they were tacky but fun. Think we had a wood chopper who went like the clappers in a gale..hilarious. I'll be interested to...
must say I'm not keen on the dyed heathers..where will it end if we start buying dyed plants!! Enough colour in some kinds of heathers naturally....
ooh, I'll go and water them right now....maybe there is hope! Thanks Celia it's not just me! Not sure what to do next?? Just wait and hope for the best or what!
I read in good old Alan Titchmarsh's book about winter hyacynths as Christmas gifts. I bought the special hyacynths and have put them in bowls in...
I read on another post that they don't work either. We'll stick with the net over be honest though it looks ugly so we may remove it in...
I have 2 ponds and one of them is "natural". I must admit we've lots of inhabitants..frogs, newt etc. Trouble is I've heard herons will eat them...
I see several posts regarding herons, nets etc. I suppose we got a nasty wake up call yesterday...we went down the garden to see no fish in the...
I was chatting with a work colleague yesterday about top soil. He's an old chap (the gardener at work) so knows a thing or two. He mentioned that...
Thanks, on the strength of your replies...I'll try them.
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