Hi all Where do you purchase the garlic bulbs to begin with and which do you recommend??eden
Plotty I really enjoy looking at your site. I've a bit of success despite the hot weather looking to plant for the winter now although not too...
I have covered with a net and I do not think I've see any pigeons around this area, any other suggestions?
Congratulations!! You must be so proud. Cherish him Eden
This is another show during August I think details on www.garden-festivals.co.uk
Hi Palustris This is the site for the show details www.thegardeningshow.co.uk tells you all about it on here. Might be a good day out
I've noticed today that most of the leaves on my peas have been eaten how can I stop this. The pes pods ar OK but the leaves are like nets
Hoping to visit Llangollen gardening show on 29th or 30th July. Had hoped to go to Tatton Hall but its too hot to drive. Will try this show...
Also got two plants with plenty of flowers and a few fruit, one plant is looking better than the other too. Bit disappointing as I thought I'd...
Being a novice at gardening I have no idea what is a pest and what is not. I noticed tonight that there seemed to be quite a lot of small black...
I'll have to recalim the poor things from the waste now
I've found out what my spiky cucumbers are their a type of gherkin aparently well they look like the pictures on the internet anyway. I can...
Thanks cathysue I tried one of the spiky cucumbers today and it was very bitter, not sweet like the other plant. I've cut all the spiky ones off...
Hi I have 4 cucumber plants which in the beginning produced smooth skinned cucumbers but now they are producing spiky skinned cucumbers!! What...
This may not be posted in the right place but dear Plotty have you any recipies for courgettes by any chance. I'm running out of ideas. eden
Helo Plotty what a wonderful allotment I am so envious how lovely to have time to spend doing what you enjoy. I have just discovered gardening...
Hi AndyWelcome to the forumSorry I don't know anything about ponds and not much about gardening either hoping to learn a lot from other...
Hi Fran thanks for that tip will check it out
Diolch/Thank you all for the welcome, looking forward to chatting with you. eden
Hi I'm a new member having found this forum yesterday. I have dabbled in gardening for a few years but not made much progress. I have a very big...
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