Hiya, Just after some advice from you knowledgeable peeps please! I saved the seeds from a store bought butternut squash a few months ago, and...
i have discovered that the magpies that are nesting in the trees at the side of our garden are eating the dead slugs out of the beer traps that...
my veggies have all been obliterated by slugs, not got much growing this year at all :( ive set up some beer traps and find them full every...
Wow, you are working so hard - but its worth it in the end! we haven't had time due to changing work commitments and rubbish weather to get to...
I got 30+ packets of seeds for around £4 ... (over 2 visits, not wanting to be greedy!) The branch I visited didn't have much else gardening stock...
looking good!! :yay::yay::yay:
yeah, I was a bit gobsmacked! but its standard allotment fee for council allotments with water in Sheffield, 300sqft with water supply.
Been up today but it was so wet and sludgy we gave up after a couple of hours. its been raining overnight and all morning so we got drenched, but...
Hi Jack, got the tenancy agreement today so been and locked the plot up (its an open site) - working now so we will be tackling it on Saturday...
crikey, my plot is £112/yr!!looks great :)
hi potash ... will be smashing if we demolish the greenhouse!fileyboy, that's what we intend to do - industrial strength strimmer to blitz it to...
this is the view from the end of the allotment up to the entry gate; there is a gennel runs down the hill (its on quite a steep hill) from a main...
feel really lucky as there is supposed to be a long waiting list ... a friend who got one on the same site waited 2 years for hers, we have waited...
I only asked about half a melon and 4 apples ... didn't expect a lecture and telling off ...thought this forum was supposed to be friendly and...
ah thank you so much Potash :)
I have two questions please :) 1. I chuck all my kitchen peelings and 'off' fruit and veg in the compost bin - should I be chopping it all up...
:dbgrtmb: looking good.... bet there were some big hairy spiders in there!!!
my carrots have been not very impressive - first time ive grown them in containers, and most of them came up like GYOs!!!! I bought some...
yep all mine are in containers :)
I pot on all the runners, leave the straw on, don't water over winter and just prune the obviously dead leaves in spring when they start to come...
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