Thankyou for these very helpful replies, I am a bit concerned about the Aminopyralid as there is not a single rose on a couple of the Bushes.I...
Hi AllWe have approx 80 rose Bushes and standard Roses and every year they are lovely and we don't have many problems with them , but this...
I have a Cistina tree and every year after flowering the leaves dry up and go brown, can anyone tell me what would be causing this and should I...
We thought that the tadpoles were beginning to thin out, it doesn't seem that the tadpoles have much of a chance of survival.
I never realised that newts would eat tadpoles and I did transfer some of the tadpoles into the pond with the newts as our small pond was so full...
I have just been told that if you have a lot of newts in the pond you won't get frogs spawning in the same pond, is this true as I have never...
Hi Walnut,You said you would be interested in the results of a water test I was having done due to the bad colour of my Pond.I had this...
I have been on here before about Green Water, which I still haven't solved. I am at the moment removing one third of the water and replemishing it...
I have had ponds for years and have never had this problem at this time of the year, will get the water tested (if i can ) will let you know if we...
Hi Walnut,Now had two buckets of water out for a few days ,one covered up against the light and the other left open, both are still the same...
If it was the repotting I would have thought that both ponds would have been a bad colour, and it didn't turn a bad colour for a while.I am...
This Pond had a new Liner put in October and I removed all vegitation off as it fell onto the Pond. The bottom of the pond seems to be clear....
It is definately Algae, in a glass bottle the water looks clear, but I have just put some water in a very white bucket and it is shows that it is...
Thankyou for the replies Clueless and Walnut,I did put some of the water in a glass container but the water looks clear then, yet you can...
Hi All,We gave all our kOI away and decided to have a wild life pond, we put a new Liner in and used some of the water saved from our previous...
Thank-you Pete.
Hi ,The water Lillies in my Pond have now got to big , when would be the best time to divide them or to take new plants from them.Maurice
HiI have now found out what the problem is with my Salix tree, it has Willow Blight and there is only one cure that is a very very cold...
Thanks but I have no idea how to post a Picture on this site, but will get my daughter to have a go later on.Maurice
Hi can anyone help please.I have a salix tree and it seems to have some sort of problem, on the branches it have black markings appearing and...
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