Would I be OK spiking it with a fork even thou the lawn is so new (sown October/15 and March/16) ?You don't mention laying extra top soil, can...
oh, and if you're wondering why I let my grass grow to 12-15 cm, I do have a good reason as explained here:...
I'm not a very experience gardener but I have used this liquid lawn and I did noticed considerable improvement on my lawn, I did on a Monday and...
Thanks guy, do you think I will be OK walking the grass to hang clothes on my clothes line? I'd like to use my clothes line to dry my laundry but...
Mine is 12cm long and no collapse so far.. maybe this one from wilko will be ok, but as you said it doesn't need I will go a couple months without...
Hello,I've firstly sown my grass in October/14, last March I noticed the grass was still very thin so I over-seeded it the traditional way (mow,...
I sown my lawn last October and I've been using this superb lawn feed from Wilko...
So, my lawn which was seeded last October was looking nice (thanks to the advice of you guys, cheers!) and the warm weather up Northwest of...
Thanks JWK, do you also agree with HarryS that the grass will have to wait until spring to get its first cut? Thanks
Found one website that talks about it:Tillering A tiller is a new shoot (a new stem with more leaf blades) that forms off to the side of the...
Thanks for your reply. When I say tillers I mean when the grass go from being one single blade to a multiple one (eg. grows horizontally, thickens...
Hello,So I saw new lawn about a month ago, now the grass is all grown up and looking nice, it has finally reached that point where at least 50%...
So glad to hear that! We don't have kids or dogs, only adults so it shouldn't be hard to stay off the grass :-) thanks for the planks tip
Thanks JWK, you've given me a lot of motivation to hear from someone with experience, I have bought bird nets and bamboo canes to protect the...
Just bought a new built house and I'm as broke as can be, I have a 10x5 metres garden with fresh topsoil and south looking garden. I can't afford...
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