I jus dug up loadsa spuds they'm full of little holes an complete and utter rubbish, wahts made thess holes then,just more rubbish for compostheap...
Theys to hot for me them chiles, they got lotsa scovilles innum, damn things burns you two days inna row.
I hates cats got no respect for nuffin yet people always feed em an make their comfort, one diggin in my patch last week for a turn out, i throw...
Pentland javelin potatos is rubbish, taste like wet cardboard, even thou the french are smelly an lazy they have tasty potatos, a frenchman who...
Is nose an is feets movin about, hows that appening then ?
I don't care about earwigs on me ead, as long as they don't start havin a party in me cyder.
I like that very much, I'm gonna build one them next year, be able sit in there in the shade, sippin cyder, watchin all me plants wiltin through...
Mines gone all peelywhallie and pethetical like wot yours have, and hant ardly had no peas to speak of, bloomin disaster just more stuff for the...
Mine always die, but one year I did have some so I pickled them but they went all mushy so I had to sling em
Ta, looks like a load more stuff for compost heap then.Wots that atavar thing? Tis it anedgehog? I can't properly see it.
Just been in me greenhouse, tomatos gone rotten on the ends, wos done that then ?
I've pulled em up, as the roots are full of holes, like lace work, another bloody disaster, is it ok to put them on the compost heap?
Summut wrong with me carrots, foliage all limp an reddish, wots that then?.
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