hi, have you checked the pH levels of the soil, do you have any dogs or foxes that my be cocking his leg, you could try an old trick thats...
Hi All, i had a goodday with my son today, this morning we went and built a raised bed for my father in law, planted him some peas, broadbeans,...
Hi all, can you help, Why are my early red and yellow onions sets setting seeds, (shallots planted at same time are ok) are they any good to eat...
Hi all, i just thought i would show you how my Gingerlilies and Bottlebrush plants are growing, [img] [img] [img] thanks Mo,Jan,& Clive
Hi LL, if you keep watering them, every three/four days you should see new signs of life after a month --6 weeks, new buds or leaves, i hope they...
hi daisybelle, i have an old gardening book by percy thrower and in that he allway plants his sweetpeas by his runner beans, peas, legumns etc,...
Hi Lotty, I find them easy to propagate, i dont use powders, first cut just under a bud and make your cutting around 6" --8" long, snip the top...
hi kedi-gato, i really hope so as i have loads of gardening books, plants & equipment, i have to give away, or leave it to somebody when i pass on...
Hi Everyone, thank you very much for the kind regards, my GD is well up with gardening, she has been with me(as a shadow)lol, from when she was...
Hi all, i had a nice birthday gift from my granddaugher age 5 yrs, on the weekend, i've been told she saved up all her pennies to pay for them her...
Hi strongylodon, sorry to say no i dont have anymore flowers, its the only one, i have taken loads of cutting last year,which may be slowing...
Hi LG,other's around your area may disagree with my views but i would say, because you live on an area with clay, the soil will hold loads of...
Hi all, here is an update on a few indoor plants, my billbergia & my amaryllis [img] [img] as you can see they are almost out in flower, windy
hi all, in the gardening books it says down in the south areas(where i live) we can start to grow seeds now for an early crop in the year, my...
hi lady of leisure,thank you for the welcome, you might know me if you go on other gardening web sites, A4A- and allotmentsnstuff just to mention...
hi all, this is my billbergia, just starting to grow a stem (notice the red spike) i'll place a picture when it totally out [img] windy
Hi all. just to let you see my Billbergia has a new flower coming [img] hope you all had a good time,best wishes windy
hi azadaman, chitting means: to pregerminate,allow the seeds to grow shoots before planting, to check if the seeds is viable,
hi all, just a couple of quick question,when will you all start to chit your potatoes, where will you do this,(ie greenhouse, potting shed,...
hi, a list of plant that i would use are Bergenia,Cimicifuga simplex, Corydalis solida,Doronicum,Epimedium,Erythrnium,Filipendula,Impatiens...
Separate names with a comma.