I have a zero tollerance policy towards slugs and snails. Mostly i squish them but this can ger a bit messy so with large numbers i like to...
I need some advice on a Stipa arundinacea (also known as Anemanthele lessoniana) which i have in my garden. I grew some from seed a couple of...
Let me at it!Negelcted gardens are a speciality of mine. I find it very satisfying hacking back overgrowth and weeds and revealing the garden...
Not a job to do now, but rather than cutting it back (not sure how this would help and it wouldn't look particularly attractive afterwards), what...
I think after the wet year we have had it would be a good idea to dig your dahlias up, even if you live in a mild area.I recently lifted mine...
I have two holly bushes in my garden; Ilex 'Golden King' which I know is female (an has produced berries), and Ilex 'Ferrox Argentea', the...
Thanks for replies. I was thinking of something a little taller than alpines, david and as i already have an alpine bed I dont think i want to...
I would certainly try to keep thinngs 'on site' as much as possible, as this will keep costs down.Personaly (depending on the actual conditions...
I personaly prefer now to dig them up once they have been frosted dry them off in the greenhouse and pack them into deep trays of dry potting...
I find that winter is a good time to sort out any hard landscaping problems in the garden, starting work on new projects ready for planting in...
I need a some planting advice. We are currently having a brick raised bed built next to a boundary fence. It will be around 2 feet high and 1.5 -...
I was going to start a thread on this topic, but then i found this one so decided to post here instead.I have 2 hippeastrum (amarilis) bulbs,...
You are correct, raspberies are usualy defined by their normal fruiting period. However many plants dont do what you expect them to do and you can...
I think the plant you are talking about is actualy Viburnum farreri , a good winter flowering type, with white flowers (and incidentaly one of...
Thanks for the replies. keep the suggestions coming!
Well i think I did the right thing. we have had cold night s but no real frost, and most, if not all my bedding plants and half hardies are...
Can anyone recomend a good tree for a large container, please?I have a medium sized garden (on a south east facing slope), with several large...
I live in Dorset and we had our first frost of the season last night. Not that heavy just a light 'Dew Frost' when the temperature dipped to 0c....
Hello.I am not a new member, but previously only posted for a short time before leaving. I ave now returned and intend to become amore active...
My mum has just been given what I beleive is a phalenopsis (spelling?) orchid for her birthday. Being the No.1 gardener in the family, I have been...
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