It is going to remain outdoors and regarding drainage, the guy who carved it out for me said that it doesn't really need drainage as the wood will...
It could be, but it is in quite a deep pot and certainly doesn't look waterlogged from the top. We'll see what happens
I haven't been very succesful with my fuschias this year, but until now my standard fuschia was fine. Since last week, the leaves have started...
I would be grateful for your opinions please.I had a tree chopped down and saved a nice piece which I had carved out so that I could plant...
Thanks, I'll give those ideas a go
Hi there, Are anyone else's fuschias dying on them. I have had two potted "blacky" strains which have had all the leaves drop off the stems and...
Thanks Fran. I'll take your advice.
Sorry, I pressed the wrong button. I was wondering if you can put onion peels in the compost bin or is it too acidic. I know you can't put citrus...
Hi there,
Oh Heck, now look what I've started, I'll have to think where to plant it out when it's readyThanks
Thanks Pete and Ladybird,Well, you never know. As for what variety it is, I really can't remember it was quite a while ago that I planted it....
Thanks all,Ok so what do I do now, should I repot it, all help appreciatedAnd Nathan, it was a medical bill, didn't even get anything nice, ho...
Hi there,I was wondering if any of you clever people out there can identify this plant/tree? I put some apple pips in compost and then in the...
thanks for that Fran - what do you mean about losing the standard effect, do you mean if there is no growth on branches to just let it sprout from...
Hi all,Last year I bought two lovely standard fuschias which bloomed for months on end.Now, one is sprouting away again and I even saw an...
Just my curiosity bothering me - are you per chance the same bayleaf as on the CARE bulletin board?
Hi,I have recently put out three passifloras and they are climbing up a trellis, I waited until the weather warmed up but now I have heard on...
I have been trying to take all of your advice but can't get hold of many of the above listed plants, I've tried a couple of good garden centres...
Thanks for your advice, unfortunately I don't have a greenhouse, I could make them up and put them in my house which has an extension which is...
has no-one got any ideas :rolleyes:
Separate names with a comma.