Thanks Lovage, that's definitely it :gnthb:. Hmmm, now I have to decide whether to keep it or not lol.
Just wondered if anybody knows what this is? There's a few of them growing in a bed I've just cleared, I did sow some wildflower seeds there the...
Oh thats good to know. Like I say, it isn't all gooey so hopefully this fab sunshine will dry it out :D.
Bit of an odd question. I bought 5 bags of bark chippings last year to do an area with but never got round to using them. I opened them today...
Well the forecast has been revised to 0C and sleet now so I'll leave it to it for the time being. They're very *ahem* busy frogs, there's loads...
Firstly, apologies if this is in the wrong place. In January I fished about 20 large dead frogs out of my pond :(. I was on holiday for the...
Oh thank goodness for that! I've had another look at it today hoping that a new day might make it look a bit better. It doesn't. :lollol:...
I cut back an Ivy hedge today and made the classic mistake of not standing back every now and again to check my progress :flag:. It looks a...
Well I managed to get it done (and burned) just before it started raining. I was amazed at how much new growth was coming through already, so...
Thanks Pete, that makes sense.. first thing on my list of gardening jobs for today then. *just one more coffee* :)
Well, that's the question I guess! I'm sure I remember on Gardeners World it said that Miscanthus is best left till quite late to cut back?...
-6 here this morning, made worse by the half inch or so of snow that fell last night. Still only 0.5C now (at 12:30pm) :( Totally fed up of this...
Hi Alice,What a brilliant idea! :) I never would have thought of that.Thanks very much.
I'm just going through all the seeds I've got, approx. 40 packets! Some are from last year and some the year before, basically things I either...
Well I've just watched the forecast and it looks like I'm in for below freezing daytime temps next week again :(, so I might just leave it for...
Oh my gardening light is well and truly on :). Not that I'll be able to do much today as it's pouring down :(.I cleared a few bits and pieces...
Thanks for the replies :)I think that's a good idea to start with the hardy stuff. I don't intend pruning or moving anything, just cutting...
Hi,I've got a mammoth task this year in the garden as I completely neglected it last year. I want to get started as soon as possible (I'm...
Hi Carrie, as Whis4ey says, be prepared for a lot more root than you would think. Despite common belief, they form a large mat (very difficult to...
Hello Peter, there are some wonderful ornamental gingers out there and the Hedychiums are very easy for someone new to gingers. H. coccineum...
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