I know, the last time I grew them was 35 years ago *LOL*This time I have the chance of studying them and the opportunity of learning a lot more...
At the moment the flower opens at dawn and starts closing 3pm ish and thats it ! Next day it does not reopen so the opportunity to pollinate for...
Ah ! Now if I got a soft haired brush caked it in male pollen, kept it dry and safe, then when a female flower shows up, maybe days later ,...
How do the Cucumbers some of which hybrids only have female flowers cope ?A curious,Tim
No male flower = virgin birth.Candidly don't believe that male flowers are neededI'm not a botanist, I am ignorant, but not an idiot.Plain...
A courgette was forming before the second flower emereged !So I'm confused !:(Tim
Presumably its important for the courgette to have male flowers , is ir needed for pollination or something ?So if you are saving seeds you...
First time in many years and I started growing courgettes again.I notice that a large yellow flower appears and immediately behind it a baby...
Oh !Now which sort ?Many thanks for response.[img]Tim
About 5 to 6 feet high ?[img][img]Many thanks,[img]Tim
Many thanks, brilliant site and I'm now sifting through the photos they have ![img]Tim
So the mystery deepens!![img]Tim
It's about 10 feet tall at the moment to it's tip. Is that relevant?[img]Tim
Many thanks for the info. I'll have to research the willows. No idea how many sorts there are.[img]Tim
An ideal bush is growing very well and we would like to plant more of them but what is it?[img][img]Any ideas very welcome !Many...
Many thanks for those details !Looks like it's growing wild in southern Wales as well as Croatia now !;)Tim
Brilliant !!Many many thanks...Now which one is it !Datura bernhardii Datura ceratocaula Datura discolor - Desert Thorn-apple Datura...
Many thanks for fast response. Don't think it's a castor oil plant but hope we can get a solid ID for it ![img]Tim
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