I waited 2 weeks before I did mine so It had rooted and it was fine.
I did mine not long after laying my new turf lawn to make it thick all i did was bought some of the miracle grow lawn seed. Spread it on top of my...
Thank you very much.
Yer I'm glad u labeled them too I nearly did forget intill my girlfriend reminded me haha
I love cats but not when I mess up my garden. And I was going to get a cat but my girlfriend is due to give birth within days so we got enough on...
How can I keep cats out of my garden they are digging up my new lawn and all my new flower beds and I'm fed up of picking up cat crap when I don't...
Yer and me haha
That's good I've been getting mine from b&m 70L 3 for £10
Just planted a few things to have a go at.Poppy's (dwarf allegro) Morning glory. (Skylark) Sprouts Fox glove (excelsior) Delphinium (Pacific...
Ok I'll hold on to the peppers and chillis then haha
what is it to late for peppers even tho im growing them in my greenhouse?
Well I have just ordered some seeds and I have just bought a green house so these should be enough to get my started.
Sorry I should of been more specific I meant from a seed/bulb in a greenhouse then moved outdoors?
Thanks for all the replys I'm going to pop over b&q in the morning. See what they have.
No I didn't grow them my self the were bought. In a pot. But I'm going to start to grow some of my own tomorrow.
what is that called and I will buy one now. sorry for sounding thick but I am very new to this
I don't have a green house
ok ill pop out and see what I can get tomorrow thanks guys
I live in shrewsbury, shropshire
im enjoying watching the ladies football but I don't think its very exciting it seems a little to practised and structured. not enough flare
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