I've always struggled with aphids on my lupins. This year one plant was infested before it even had any significant growth on it, and no flower...
Ah, thanks. I'd misunderstood what you meant there. I thought you meant to only cut the green bit of the stem when pruning, not as far as the...
Good news in that 2 of the 3 cuttings I took have rooted. I've put them into bigger pots. Hope I don't kill them yet!Any idea about the...
Hi everyone, this is my favourite Hebe. I love the colours. It's one of the first things I planted when I moved in 5/6 years ago and knew nothing...
Just popping in to say welcome to the forum Graeme. In my experience pestering everyone with questions, everyone is great here!
Talking of caterpillars, my friend bought me some cut flowers from the supermarket. There was what I think was a caterpillar in a Chrysalis in the...
Urgh! I did have a go at just wiping them off with my hand (gloves on obvs)! Is the only way to use to pesticides?
I'm back again with another question!My Skimmia has this on its stems. It seems almost like a fungus. Is it doing any harm?
I know! I wonder what to do because they eat plants right? But don't want to do them harm.
It's the caterpillars I'm wondering about though! What do you do with them when you find them?
Sorry for the delay in replying, I had to look up the plant names! There is a young Delphinium nearby which has been completely feasted on and...
Hi everyone,Forgive me for two only slightly related topics in one post.Is it ok to remove Crocus foliage now? I know you're supposed to let...
Thank you. I'll try that!
Oh, I hope it's okay to post about houseplants on this forum!
Wow! It's huge!
Coming back to this thread to say that they are selling 'Echinacea' in Aldi again and I am not falling for it again!
Hello, I'm back again to show off my uncanny ability to ruin plants!This is my aloe vera that I thought had just outgrown it's pot. I'm ready to...
The purple and white one is either hardy fuschia Delta Sarah or bush fuschia Lena Dalton. I kept their labels but not sure which is which. They...
Either Aldi or Home Bargains, can't remember but sounds like a possibility!
I planted this as a bare root plant that was labelled as Echinacea. It has grown fast and wants to climb but I don't think it is Echinacea is it?...
Separate names with a comma.