Thought I'd add this one in .... it's flowering! But ..... is that a good sign :) or bad :frown:?[IMG]
That's sounding hopeful if it grows fairly quickly. I have a friend that has admired the parent plant ever since we've lived here (it's in the...
I found this growing under the parent tree so decided to take advantage and pot it up. I dug down about 30cm before I gave up and severed the...
Hi, Visited some friends today that have raised beds in a part of their garden and have been experimenting with growing strawberries in them. They...
:hapfeet: Great! Thanks @scillonian :pathd:I've consulted the world that is Google for more images and I think you're right :yes:. Until I see...
We bought a piece of garden off our neighbour and have spent a year watching what appears. This climber didn't put on much growth last year so I...
Kayaks are great fun and get you to places you can't get in larger boats... until recently we had a canadian canoe that we used to paddle into all...
:oopss: Aaaaaah, got it! :yahoo: Thank you :)
Thought I'd share my other hobby that keeps me sane .... We have a Heard Mevagissey Tosher (20ft) that we've done a lot of work on ..... the art...
Sorry in advance if there is one already and I haven't spotted it but, could we have a 'back to top' button on posts so that you don't have to...
Hi @Kandy, they'll take a spare if they're landing before they do a display somewhere in case there's a hitch. 9 is the optimum number for the...
If its any encouragement I can assure you I've probably watered mine twice since it was planted last year and it's in full sun .... :SUNsmile:
:yay: Looks good @Sian in Belgium - Shows how versatile Semps can be - they look well with both traditional and modern pots :spinning:Looking...
Yep ... you have an Aquilegia! I too have them self seeding in an area under a magnolia tree. I don't do anything to encourage them apart from...
This video was posted today by BBC South of the Vulcan accompanied by the Red Arrows ..... thought the thread might be interested [emoji3]...
Vulcan's are awesome, so elegant in flight (only way I can describe it). We've been lucky to see them displaying at airshows over the years, but...
Separate names with a comma.