The overall height of the plant was about 280 for most of last winter and suddenly in spring one part only has shot up to 700 and is still growing...
These plants were given to me by a friend who had grown them from un-named cuttings.Can anyone identify them for me?
Thank you one and all. I now have in the RHS book.Platty
This bush I inherited and I don't remember it fruiting in January before.It's identification would be appreciated.Platty[img]
OK [ 13. February 2007, 03:48 PM: Message edited by: Platanoides ]
Hi Chris and welcome to GC.You are just 'up the road' from me.Dobbies ---- a bit pricey I find. I saw their surfinia and fuchsia plugs this...
ENJOY YOUR DAY HORNBEAM[img]PS Am I breaking a rule or am I allowed to put a buttonised border and text on this image !!!!!!< heavy...
MF as your note appears after my posting of my A BLOOMIMG CHRISTMAS PRESENT I can only assume that you believe that my picture is not as taken....
Congratulations to Roders, Petel and Jarbax.Three great pictures in a month of very high standards.A big thanks Marley for taking us all on...
Steady guys.This place is about fun and enjoyment---- don't start flaming and ruin everything.E-mail and message board postings are harsh...
Superb pics Kandy.You are lucky to get such wonderful sunsets? Here in Central Scotland we see something like that once in a blue moon.Keep...
Thank you for the picture WF. London Bridge courtesy 'freefoto'.Plus �§a change, plus c'est la m�ªme choseLondon smog 1950[img]...
Can't see what on earth he could possibly do in 14 hours. Once learned the process is pretty simple.Like all artwork, painting included, you can...
Hi everyone. Some super work on the past few pages. I've not been doing much as I have been unwell.Thought I'd give the bull a bit of a...
A difficult subject to photograph this month but what a superb and varied selection of interpretations.I knew early on that it would be...
To add my tuppenceworth to the discussion.Marley you can't just use 'raw' photo in the context of modern cameras. When HB used it he meant...
A single hydrangea bloom in Central Scotland in January.Unheard of in years gone by but I guess the climate is just so different with January's...
RED TRAILS IN THE SUNSETMotorway view from the bridge[img] [ 30. January 2007, 11:27 PM: Message edited by: Platanoides ]
That humour I really appreciate GW.Really bad snow here but I got delivery of my Feb. copy of 'Digital Photo' so I am a happy bunny. I reckon it...
Separate names with a comma.