Here the weather is and has been beautiful, but, also terrible for my peach trees. The lows are in the high 40's and the highs in the low 80's...
This is my last post on this subject. Some of you like and agree with what I have posted, others disagree. But this is an undisputed fact. We,...
As I said before, I am not a Trump fan. Having said that your impressions should be taken from fact not some media pundit or talking head who...
He was targeting Muslim Syrians in response to Obamas edict allowing 10000 Syrians immediate entrance into the US when he made the statement. And...
Don't you think it is a little late to formulate anything when you have just been blown up on a bus? I am sure there were many who felt as you do
Of course we did, only these Syrians have no way to be vetted. What, the State Department or the FBI calls up the Syrian police and asks for a...
Yep, we do seem to have had rash of literal nut cases shooting up the place in recent years and lately more police shootings are being reported,...
I see you believe what the "news" reports too. What Trump said was to put a TEMPORARY BAN ON SYRIANS until we could vet them. But then I suppose...
I can see you haven't been keeping up on Obama. His entire administration has been built on lies, deceptions and scandal. Ever hear of...
And I suppose that all of you folks who disagree with me will welcome all those Syrians into your homes without having a clue of who they are?...
To integrate means to combine one thing with another to make a whole. In the US with the Hispanics and the Muslims this is NOT the case. And...
Donald is light years better than either Hillary or Bernie but I am a Cruz fan. He is the only one who has stood up against the establishment...
Hopefully it will be out with all of the old and in with the new. All of the career politicians are the one's who have gotten us into this mess...
Living in The US I do not know the situation there, only what is on the "news". What I do know about these "immigrants" is that they do not want...
Hope this might be of some use
I know this sounds really strange but for any burns, whether wind, sun or ice or fire, scrapes, cuts and abrasions, vitamin E is a miracle. Even...
Nothing quite frosts my goat like some rude obnoxious loudmouth sitting 3 tables away bellowing into his or her cell phone while I am trying to...
My first piece of advise, for what it's worth, is to make the area slope enough for the water to drain of naturally, either by adding or removing...
You know Mac and Ernies? I have known Naline for years. In fact she runs a few head of cattle on the land next to me. She has to be one of the...
Call me nuts but a few ppm of salt in the soil seems a lot more environmentally friendly than household cleaners and other oil based chemicals...
Separate names with a comma.