HAPPINESS IS PLANT SHAPEDI went into the garden, it was a sight to see The daffodils were all in bloom And I spied a bumblebeeThe snowdrops...
Potted acers can be moved about to avoid windy conditions, or too much sun, or even too much shade etc. Care has to be taken during the winter...
I agree with Pete .. leave it alone :) [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
Interesting read peeps. I have a Berberis Dawrinii which is totally overgrown and in an awful mess. A month or so ago I cut some three feet off...
Here is the latest addition to my garden .. Acer palmatum 'Firecracker' just purchased last week and planted yesterday More pics on the link...
I have to agree.... they now bear no resemblance whatsoever to peoples gardens ... a couple of the gardens this year were particularly idiotic...
I like it mucho :)
And this morning I woke to my lawn covered in SNOW?????? "snow dig"
You don't have room for a Gunnera ... they get rather big you know :)
Where do you live? Rhodies like acidy soil and shade. Whatever it is, you are not giving it what it likes :(
[ATTACH] This rhoddie doesn't know that it is not supposed to flower until May
The sleepers will be slippery as he11 when they are wet :)
Authorities have now identified a man's skeleton discovered last week in a cupboard in a house on the outskirts of Dublin. Using advanced DNA...
I would remove all of the lower branches and then judge the remainder :)
@shiney ... but just how much older do you propose to get. I need to know the details before I agree :roflol::roflol::roflol:
I don't understand how any so called intelligent shuman bean can be elected as a politician and then agree to allow fracking in their beautiful...
Who's Simon Cowell??? :lunapic 130165696578242 5::lunapic 130165696578242 5::lunapic 130165696578242 5:
Thanks Redstar ... you will get an extra lil pressie from Santa :)
Written and performed by yours truly just for Christmas Designed to be uplifting and lighten the spirits HAPPY YULETIDE :old:
Play this little song today and to eat drink and BE MERRY and SHARE with your friends so that they can be the same :) CHRISTMAS DAY...
Separate names with a comma.