Hi Palustris I get quite few of them in our silver birch but not when i've got the camera with me [img]
I dabble with family history as well, trouble is you get sidetracked :D One of my lot on my dads side was a barge captain (narrowboats) so I...
Superb Photo Rich, My mum always like orchids & my dad got her a few. which she had for years - don't know what happened to them.A lad that...
Try these people. They advertise on e-bay and I'm told they are very [email protected]://tinyurl.com/y3gtz5
You only get 90% light transmission through a polytunnel cover so if you put two on you'd only get 90% of the 90% (to tired to try and work it out...
How ever big it is, it won't be big enough once you start :D
Hi Greenlady,if you can wait till after christmas when things warm up a tad you can sow some quick matureing carrots (Amsterdam forcing or...
I use JI compost in the main & I mix it myself so I use a peat free Multipurpose instead of Peat itslef. I would like to use Leaf ,ould but I...
Hi Wildflower,Ah but if I cut the conifers down I can see the Holly & Hawthorn thats behind them - much nicer to look at methinks :DI know...
We had an art teacher at School called Mrs English - she was German :DI used to work with some one called Ron(ald) Seal :DAnd...
Hi Conitonite,From one newbie to another :cool:
I agree with Peter. I use a lot of John Innes compost & usually make it up myself but rather than using peat I buy the Multi-purpose composts...
If yoyu do use the windowsill this may help. It is the brainchild of Geoff Hamilton who you may remember from Gardeners world days.[img]It's...
Lovely thread Guys, [img]The botom of my garden is a bit of a tip and has been since we moved in 20 years ago!! One day I keep promosing...
No honest we're no relation at all.How's the rest of our family Beefy :D (only Joking)Thanks for the welcome Guys [img]
Looks like the server is down Fran. Try again tomorrow & hopefully they will have it sorted.NickSods law - It was me [img] It should be OK now
My dad was a realy keen gardener - I hated it!! then I got my own house & my wife complained that she was getting her arms wet hangin the washing...
You can do either. I guess they are spray chrysanths are they?What you can do is lift them & get rid of the excess soil, trim the roots back...
Have a look on herehttp://www.nvsuk.org.uk/index.phpYou may find some bit of interest. If you want to do it seriously (like I don't :D )...
I grow Gardeners Delight as the No1 choice. This year I grew Ferline as well which was OK bigger than GD tased OK & White beauty a heritage...
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