About a month ago I also put about 2 " of my own compost over my veg growing area, and also began the first of four suggested applications of said...
I have found that what little turf I have is compacted, I've also got a relatively lifeless veg growing area, so putting what I've found in to...
Excluding headings & excusing me, I thought I might get discussions going by saying what steps I have taken as an almost complete beginner to...
Hello everyone, due to my restricted mobility (ambulant), limited energy & after much reading until late, I have decided to work with soil...
Thanks Steve
Thanks Super Lucy, I'll take a look at it.
Hello Lowie, Is this where we get talking disabled gardening? Can't seem to find anywhere else on the forum. I'm in The Lake District, have a...
Morecambe Bay, my back garden.
Thanks Ian, am already stuck in:smile:
Lucky you:snorky: Three weeks in since I applied some of my neighbours compost & starting to apply soil amendments & I'm seeing results, aerated...
Yes I mean gardening.What was your catalyst to begin gardening?
Thanks Ian, getting stuck in to some learning :rolleyespink:
Too right, excuse the pun, I've opened up a can of worms here. It seems to be the way for me & my legs, but the learning curve? Phew:rolleyespink:...
Thanks Sheal, Sat opposite you on Morecambe Bay here, Grange over Sands Classroom closed for the day now, Humates & Biology are going to be my...
Thanks Fern4, Sat on Morecambe Bay here, learning very quickly that I have much to learn & put in to practice:snorky:
Photos to follow Shiney, :snork:
Peter, I'm also sharpening up on my compost making but I'm going to have to rope a friend in here, to use their arms.:snork: [MEDIA]C
Hi Peter,Forgot to say that it is my intention to ease back on the applications once a good web has been re-established, I say re-established...
Separate names with a comma.