That's a big garden, Martin.:heehee:That's quite all right - most haven't done so at all, and I'm not that needy.As long as you all like...
Bellis, is of course the daisy genus.... to, for, by, with or from wars.
The singular of flora should be florum.... if it's third declension neuter, like bellum. But it's not - it's first declension feminine, like...
...but they didn't tell us that. They just said that we'd be getting a 'new look' forum.:frown: It won't let me post links to examples of other...
Bah! Don't want to be on any committees. Haven't even been enrolled yet. Harrumph. :th scifD36::thud:
Are you sure it wasn't sunny? :runforhills:
In my experience you have to be careful with growbags. I did a bit of a trial a couple of years ago: some of them contained bits of plastic,...
Tipping it down here (NW London) but we are assured it'll brighten up later. I shall be planting tomatoes.
Only by residence - for 31 years. Londoner originally. I might stay if I like it.
Those two did contribute a lot, but I didn't find them unpleasant. I found myself agreeing with Dove quite a lot. It wasn't the people at all -...
Oh yes it does. Even if it's just 'I won't do it lke that next time'!
Jolly good. How do I apply to be a Grumpy Old Man?
It certainly seems friendly - as was the other one - and gardeners tend to be oldish (well, I do...) and have therefore accumulated a lot of...
I've been tidying up the little garden of my Aged Parent today - trying to get rid of grape hyacinths, cutting off daffodil etc. leaves (no, they...
Hi Laura :)I never found it cliquey although there were one or two people whose opinions I didn't much like. Just like life really :stirpot:...
Separate names with a comma.