Hello Lidia..a warm welcome also from me... from Piedmont....!!Luca
1. DaweW "Mirror Mirror"2. Marley Farley "storming waters"3. Marge " blossom "
1.JarBax "february flight" 2.GlenW "roll on summer" 3.DaveW " Mud flat - lower tayThanks to all for your very nice photos..!!
Ciao..!!Gillypetunia I wish you good time here ;)
Dear Bella Donna...( I like a lot your nick [img] )Under conifers I suggest,( I know..they are not herbs or wildflowers..)Lamium...
Dear Fran..do not worry.. :Dbut I never "met" Salvia natans before, could you please give me some info concerning this Salvia...I also tried...
Hi Pete..you are right...concerning our summer!!andFran... did you want say Salvinia..? anyway..because Salvinia is a fern...is invasive by...
Dear LoL... many thanks for these interesting/nice..pics you are very lucky...a very friendly CIAO!!
Dear Pete...many thanks for your reply me too... I got info from a search..that Salvinia..it is not hardy..so my doubt. anyway..it is a very...
Dear All.... I left outside...all the winter my Salvinia natans..and even if the water was frozen several times..the Salvinia is still alive..it...
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hE0ODrmaiFE&NRfor a while... crocodile..!!XXXXXXXXX...p.s....
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VkDucwH90mImay I add..this..???XXXXXXXXX.........Luca p.s. Ihope you will like it.....
[img]lucky you I am not able to translate from italian...something..like your "story" ;)
Dear David...a friendly welcome also from me!!it seams to me a wee bit strange...you need a greenhouse for chillis and tomatos..BUT ..I live...
WOW...!!really great FUN... many thanks for your info..dear Tig [img]
[img]it happened few weeks ago.. hope you like itregards from me!
Dear Dendro...you are right!! "Ruminoides" = "red stem" I sent them an e-mail..in order to know if they have the seeds I'm looking for... many...
Dear Friends..many thanks for your interest and your prompt and kind reply... I had a look ,before writing my lines,to the site you...
Dear Fonzie..welcome also from me...( I'm "new" as well..but not so knowledgeable...like you..)[img]
Dear Lady from Portugal...many thanks for your kind reply. I visited your site ..and I felt you live in a "paradise" I'd never been to the "land...
Separate names with a comma.