I'm in Doncaster The shrub wasn't growing and leaves were turning brown. Can you give me any tips on replanting? Is it hole slightly deeper and...
2 1/2 years ago I bought a Choisia (sundance I think) and planted it into garden. It didn't do much and in Spring this year I thought I'd killed...
Thanks I'll get some in so I've got it while I remember
Thanks all advice is welcome. I haven't pruned it this year but if it survives and flowers I will next year
Thanks I'll wait til autumn then give it a go
Sorry I'm not very good at this The black post (near back) is 75cm ht The main plant is about 100cm across ( plus a few bigger straggly branches)
I would like to try to transplant a Spirea Bridal Wreath which has grown in wrong place (not its fault - I muddled all the labels when I was...
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