Pleaase, can anyone tell me how to post an attavhmernt on this forum? I transfer pics from my camera to My Pictures, then into Photobucket, with...
Please, can anyone tell me how to post a photo as an attachment on GC? My pics are transferred from the camera to MY Pictures, then moved to...
Sorry, this was posted by accident. I've been trying for three days to post a pic from Phtobucket into GC without succes, and have now given up....
Canyoner ID this, please? Height and spread both about 18 inches, flowers about half to one inch long. Laurie.
Can anyonr ID this, please? Height and spread both about 18 inches.e
Every day, I receive e-mails written in strange characters - foreign alphabets and various symbols. I thought at first that I had some kind of...
In other words, it's almost identical to Growmore! Many thanks.
My kind neighnour brought me Miracle-Gro "Pour and Feed" in mistake for Growmoore. Does any know what this contains? There is no information...
I've been dealing with T&M for a few years; their seeds have always done well, and plants excellent. Laurie
That's it, LOL - spot on! Many thanks. Laurie.
My neighbour has a plant, at present about 45cm in height,, which looks rather like a green lavatory brush; no flowers as yet. Sorry, no photo...
The leaves of my Japanese Maple, bought three weeks ago, look as if they've been scorched; they have tiurned brown and curled up at the edgess....
Can anyone please tell me the botanical name of the Asparagus which is known as the Foxtail Fern?
Buds begin to open, but petals look untidy and distorted. They stop opening at rsther less than halfway, witheer and die. Sorry, I've...
Every time on Power Up, I see a message "Administrator has prohibited access to CD/DVD drive".. What do I do about it?
Any Dianthus experts out there? I need advice on a problem with my PF's; will post pics and info if anyone thinks they can help.
I don't knlw whether snails have ;arachures, but they must have crampons - I've found them on the greenhouse roof. INSIDE! Laurie
I would like to grow some potatoes next year, as an escape from the supermarket variety, and am considering trying he potato barrel method. Can...
I'm unable, for health reasons, to get to garden centres, nurseries, etc., so have to do all muy shopping online. It's certainlt not my faourite...
A few days ago I found on the web an advert for a gadget which fits in the bottom of a pot to hold a cane in position. Now I want to lok more...
Separate names with a comma.