From the start of the `pandemic`I followed it on the official ONS government figures and they were not telling the truth to the general public,...
The attched images are similar to what I can remember (fire blight / mildew) I will follow up on that and see what can be done.[ATTACH] [ATTACH]
They didnt appear to have, they were only pea size when they all dropped, pretty much just after the flowers faded.
I think the pollination is ok as there were lots of pea sized fruit after flowering, then they starting falling off and I noticed the `fungus` I...
2 years ago had a small crop of eating apples (variety not known) Last year had some fungal growth which I `cut off`and had a great crop. This...
It is what you want it to be. During Covid I kept base with the government statistics which were available to anyone that bothered to look,...
I think they were very well prepared tested how compliant the population were and that they could take away our freedoms if they created...
You are spot on although I had to google to what a medlar was. It makes sense as this is in a 200 acre historical site and they have replicated...
Can anyone identify this fruit. It comes from an apple orchard from trees planted 5 years ago but are original species from maybe hundred years...
Beet is is probably not spaced properly but space is limited and they are in a planter. From the images some leaves are dying so obviously some...
Thanks all for the replies I will pass the info on.
close up.... [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
ok thanks I will see if he can send me a close up.
Been asked to identify this from an image, is it Broom? I am not too sure. and how to take a cutting?[ATTACH]
And she was first in the queue saying Boris & Sunak should Nicola!
I am not as sophisticated as that I just have some wooden planters I built and cover them with twin wall polycarbonate sheets, I have seedling...
Ricky....That could well be the answer for the newsgroups. My hotmail issue appears to have sorted itself out whatever was causing it.
I do believe both were upgraded recently, is there a way to get a previous version back?
Everything turns off at night as it is all in timers and has done for the last couple of nights as per normal so it would be off for a few hours,...
Can anyone help resolve this: I use mozzila thunderbird to access newsgroups, in the last couple of days I get a `time out` message, I have tried...
Separate names with a comma.