Planted them in the polytunnel in January under some bubblewrap. They are about a foot high now. When/how can you tell they are ready?
My website project is now up and running. Its to help organise your vegetable growing over the years and includes lots of hopefully helpful...
Here's a list to keep you busy!Broccoli Raab (Rapini) Cabbage Chinese Cabbage Spring Carrot Coriander Lambs Lettuce - Corn Salad...
Well you can sow them now - its just that the plants will fruit later and you will get less courgettes (perhaps thats not a bad thing as most...
Sweetcorn is a greedy plant - it does best in rich soil. So you might find that each plant only produces a single smaller cob as a result a of too...
It will not like the cold at all - try it half buried in a large pot somewhere warm and light.
Just read that you can sow The Sutton (dwarf) broad bean up to July. If this is true I would go for it as I love broad beans (and they freeze...
Late sown tomatoes can do quite well - especially if you can protect them in the autumn. You could grow them outside in larger pots and take them...
For years when I got too many seeds germinating in seed trays and pots, I would go to great lengths to lift them all out and carefully disentangle...
The best thing to do with wet garlic is to clean them off, removing the roots, chop off the tops - leaving a 1->2 inch stem. Put them in an oven...
First I could not belive that the government is trying to hold the Iraq inquiry in secret/private. After all public anger about MPs behaviour and...
We have some of those - see link to Seedlings in signature below. Apologies for plug. And just to be fair so do these:...
Its not too late for broad beans, peas to be sown direct outside and they are nice, big seeds to handle for kids. Runner and dwarf beans could be...
Lettuce do best in a cool place - too much heat and they will go pale, floppy and run to seed. Ours do much better outside than in the greenhouse...
We use New Horizon peat-free multi-purpose compost for our business and our own garden. It is not perfect for all plants but good enough for most...
I have been coveting some orange and lemon bushes in our local garden centre but was wondering what are the best varieties to grow heer (we are in...
Thanks for that link - its something our local group intends to do as well (produce and plants). We are organising a 'Pagan/Harvest Festival' near...
We have just started a veg growing group in Otley (Wharfedale). Its growing fast and we are organising worskhops for beginners and visits to local...
Until we started thinking about the project seriously I was under the impression that there was very little being produced nearby. But after only...
We have set ourselves a challenge to eat only the veg we can grow ourselves or source from growers within 10 miles of our house. We are going to...
Separate names with a comma.