Love your pig pictures Jarbax, and your ingenious pigpens! More photos please. I have 4 rescue pigs who live in a large hutch in the (unused)...
Another striped one (pink and cream) is the beautiful Variegata di Bologna, a Bourbon bush rose with a fantastic scent. I got mine from Peter...
Thanks Hannah, Sorry about late reply, I haven`t been on-line for a while. Unfortunately I haven`t got digital TV, but shall keep my eyes open for...
Hi Netty and welcome. I dont know your area very well but used to go to the Arms Park to watch rugby years ago! I was brought up in the beautiful...
Ive found GC very useful already and I only joined recently. Happy gardening Mrs Bobs!
Thanks Kandyfloss, I hadnt taken into consideration the pumpkin weight problem, probably because mine only got to the size of small oranges last...
A pair of choughs fly over my garden every morning, calling with their harsh cries. Apparently they are rare in the UK but there are quite a lot...
I have a multifuel stove, and burn peat (from the mountain,there seems to be plenty here) I also burn a lot of driftwood and logs and dig the ash...
I have been given a large blue plastic barrel with drainage holes and have filled it with home-made compost, in the hope of growing a decent sized...
Thanks Dendrobium. I tried the BBC website and even ebay! Perhaps it will be repeated yet again sometime.
Hello Alice, From across the water and down a bit! Good luck with your gardening and especially the raised beds, keep us posted.
Has anyone taped any of the BBC 2 programme `The Big Dig` from a couple of years ago? I only managed to video the last episode and would like to...
She could easily change to a dry food though I must say I always mix a (very) small amount of tinned food or something similar with it to give...
Hi Lelly, Ive just joined too; good luck with your new house and garden. You never stop learning about gardening no matter how long you have had one.
What a friendly lot you all are! Hi Josephine, let me know how your raised beds do. I have dug in even more horse muck today, I even get to ride...
Kandyfloss and Marley Farley - You are making me nostalgic and I LIVE here! I come from the North, outside Ramsey. Take the dogs on the beach most...
Hi Wiseoldowl, I did have a Manx cat but unfortunately he died last week; he was ill and old. They are real characters and mine thought he was a...
Fantastic pumpkins, Kandyfloss (grrr!) I shall persevere this year. My failure with them are a big joke amongst some (non-gardening) friends. I`ll...
I managed to grow lovely pumpkin plants last year but only very tiny pumpkins, which eventually went squishy and rotted away (those that the slugs...
Thanks everyone for the welcome. Need advice on growing pumpkins (as opposed to pumpkin leaves!) so have started a thread about this.
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