The timescale's certainly an issue. How about trying one of those mixtures of annual wildflowers? E.g. this one.Suggested because I'm in South...
When I posted a photo of my sarococca further up, I mentioned that its scent reminds me of traditional silver polish. Pleasant enough, if not in...
If you're not concerned about winter interest, how about a hardy salvia? The small-leaved varieties in particular (like Hot Lips) are always an...
I planted a few purple crocuses around the dwarf palm in a lead urn on my patio a couple of years ago - not much space or soil but they seem to...
My patio slabs are old ones, concrete with a riven surface - still in good condition though. I usually wash them (water + detergent + stiff yard...
Bloody cranesbill maybe? Geranium sanguineum. A tough, pretty little plant - easy to divide once established, to create more plants.
Bengal Crimson (a rose), Pride of Madeira (Echium candicans) and the Shirley poppy (papaver rhoeas). Shirley is not that far away from me in S...
Two impulse purchases at the Hilliers Garden Centre at Syon Park yesterday - from the remaindered section as you can see:[ATTACH][ATTACH]...
The sun's out this morning so I thought I would get a few pics of plants still in flower, before the anticipated cold snap this week.Hydrangea...
Just to add, I tried seeds a couple of of years ago, sowing those into a tray of gritty compost (as recommended on the packet) but found...
Yes, that looks like it - thank you so much! I'd wondered about mahonias, looking at the flowers, but had never seen one with divided leaves like...
A patch of these attractive low-growing evergreen shrubs has been planted within a new area of public landscaping near me - can anyone ID them...
That first one is Dead Man's Fingers - coming up in good time for Halloween!:yikes:
Looks like couch grass - you will find lots of information on how to remove it, or embrace it instead for its biodiversity benefits, on the link.
Winter aconite? Low-growing and yellow, at least....It might be worth trying a dwarf daffodil, like Tete a Tete - these don't blow over, in my...
If left untrimmed, it will broaden out somewhat - my neighbour has one about 25 years old, now around 6 feet in diameter, and 30 feet tall. Still...
Traditionally, by using 'pot crocks' - i.e. putting in a layer of bits of broken flower pots, or other crockery, before you add the compost.If...
It is small as others have said and not cheap to get into, being run by an independent trust. Its cafe is elegant but not really a museum cafe,...
The production of bare-root trees is also more sustainable - grown just in the earth, not artificially fed, no plastic pots to throw away.
You've not missed the boat yet! November-March is traditional tree planting season: when they're dormant so less likely to get damaged, it also...
Separate names with a comma.