Hi, I would really like your experienced advise as to how to turn these saplings around.....IG dug them up so I could put some root grow below the...
Hi....I recently brought two maple trees online, I was shocked they were sent to me not in pots of soil but just in a box they are really small...
Thanks guys I will try these tips out......I really do appreciate it as I'm a real novice this will be my first summer as we moved in here august...
Scale??....how do I treat it?? Any info would be really great fully accepted.
This is a pic of the side of the tree that has not flowered or any leafs growing.
Hi, the white flowers are falling off and are being replaced but lovely green leaves but there is still nothing appearing on the other side of the...
Hi, here are some pictures of my tree......please help......thank you x
I recently moved to a new home which has a magnolia tree but only half of the tree has flowered the hole tree has like fur on it......friends...
Only half my magnolia tree flowers....it is quite an established tree as it was here when I moved in. It has like fur growing on all the branches...
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