Hi there,just to let you know that we have acumulated our latest updates into one massive bumper update for october....
hey there peeps,This we we was wondering about celery, how has your been this year, our is rather thinner and smaller than we would have liked,...
Hi there we have put our overwinttering cabbages in this week and was wondering, are we too early too late, shouldnt bother? Whats your thought...
Hi guys and girls,We have harvested the first of our main crop of carrots, some of which have which have grown to gigantic sizes, forked or have...
Hi there peeps,This week on our plot we have harvested the first of the butternut squashes for sunday dinner. The totals are (from 7 plants) 19...
and the length was?
Hi there,harvested the first of our sweetcorn and noticed that not all the kernals have formed on the cob. We believe this to be an issue with...
Hi there,This week we popped to the lottie to find our runner beans have really grown, we had 3 beans which were 16 inches long.Click here to...
Hey there,as you are aware blight has devesated our tomatoes and has killed the majority of the plants, however cutting the dead material out...
Hey there, just thought i would give an update on or pumpkin and squash patch. With this warm weather the plot seems to have raced away and now...
Hey there,We bought you the giant potatoes a fortnight ago this weeks harvest has bought about giant shallots this week.Click here for a...
Hey guys / GIrls,Are you having bumper harvests this year compared to last. We definitley think that we are getter better crops than we thought...
Hey guys was wondering what size of your ealry potatoes you have had this year with all the weird weather we've had.We pulled one and was a...
Hi guys was wondering what the blight situation was like near you. Our potatoes were showing the first signs of it so we whipped them out now our...
could be a round courgette? lol
Hi guys / girls,Just wondering how your pumpkins and squashes are coping with all this wet weather. We are just seeing the first true fruits...
nice seems like everyone is getting a good crop, cant ait for our autum rasps
Hi there peeps,Just to let you know this week has had a fabulous cropping of soft fruits, including gooseberries and strawberries.Here is a...
nice may just try strawberries and rhubarb a nice combo i feel.
Hi peeps,Just put our courgettes in this weekend, and have never grown them before although we do enjoy eating them. How are yours doing? are...
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