I use a 200l water barrel that I stuff full and then used to fill with water and leave for a few weeks before using. With the pandemic, we bought...
I'm a bit worried for what is not flying round here; I've not seen any wrens since Christmas. I think this cold spell is taking its toll.
Surely there would be a bookshop in London you could order a book from? Amazon is just sucking resources out of UK and paying little towards our...
I often put them in a plastic bag to minimise the loss of water and stop them going soft before ripening.
Over the years, I have used my fair share of peat based products, as well as a lot of chemicals that are now considered unsafe for both the...
From their web site: "We only use peat-free compost at the nursery to pot plants on. Some of the young plants supplied to us in spring are grown...
Sue Beesley at Bluebell Cottage Gardens uses nothing but Melcourt Sylvagrow MPC not too pricey at £7 for 50L. I've used this a few times with...
In that case they are unlikely to need vast quantities of compost. The main problem with most peat free is drying out of surface compost but wet...
You are quite right. The book I was quoting from, 'down to Earth Fruit & Veg. growing', dates from 1960 L D Hills founded the HDRA, the national...
you could try gypsum @ 8oz./sq yd. about £20 delivered for 25kg bag here as an example:...
If they are small, hoeing should be good enough for most of them and rake up the tops so they don't reroot. The main thing is never let them set...
You could offer to trim it for him to a mutually agreed height?
No grubs inside. During a night visit I saw slugs on the polythene and an earwig on a nectarine. So could ne a mixture of the 2.
I have a nectarine in a polytunnel. The first year it had a good crop but since then something is destroying nearly every fruit before it has a...
Looks a bit like peris but they generally have small flowers in the spring.
I grew sturon and 'stur bc 20' last year and they grew very well 300 sets produced 70kg, the best crop I've ever had. I've planted out about 200...
Look under pots and trays that are near them.
The most likely culprit is slugs. Some other insects have a chew at things sometimes: woodlice/earwigs but No.1 suspect would be slugs. I had some...
good idea. we might still be able to buy Nissan when the jobs have gone in the NE. Nissan says UK factory under no-deal Brexit threatHad a look...
Thank's for the reply, when I can, I'll remove mine from it's pot and see how it does. It did start growing some figs early on but these dropped...
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