I .used to be my main ones were shade or pastel colours, I treat them as directed by the profesionals, dug up cleaned dryed treated with flowers...
for the past 3 years I have grown jersey royals . no I do not live in jersey. but I did grow them the only thing is I have to call them...
It is only a few years ago that the torie government ishued a directive to all councils to make more land avaible for alotments to get more...
I agree almost conpleatly with ziges, I would drill the hole about three quarters of an inch from the bottom on the side and put pea gravel in the...
I too agree with silver surfer, I should have blown it up so that I could see it properly, :goodpost::goodpost:
nice one ' cats rule hear, and dogs are not safe, I like cats but it would it would be nice if we had some thing to put them in their place.
there is a little book on the market published by the R H S, called easy pruning,simple steps to success, it covers every thing you are ever...
the best that saw advertised at a desprat time I fell for it was tiger poo and the advert said that one smell would keep cats away Ispred it a...
I agree with wireworm o r at least the larvae , but the biggest problem is they have blight and should not be stored,they have been grown in too...
I have clay soil and have no problem with carrots or parsnips, I dib the soil with what ever depth and thickness I fancy fill with peaty compost...
I live about halfway down this Ireland of ours just on the north Wales border, we too can get a frost in may, this year we got a black frost early...
I used to grow the crosses. mainly were cross but they have gone by the board now, now I do not grow in the green house, except to start them from...
I agree with silu, these so called experts should boar me, people like back to perce througher and people like harry wheatcroft who wrote from...
I was in wilcos on the 21 nov {ellesmer port ) just ramdon flower seeds but Ihave made a note of those dates thank you
I haven't a clue what the name is, but I saw one last year it is a wild flower that I saw on a floodplane it looks good in the photo but it is...
like to see the whole plant,from what I can see it looks like a cowslip,
I am compleatly against light polluion we are robing kids of a wonderfull sight which cost nothing,Ihave two solar lights stay on while there is...
I missed an important point but mark56 reminded me remember a well fed plant will fight off most things itself so put some manure around the...
the last thing your roses is water in october' the ground should be damp but not wet. you defanatly black spot ' not much of a problem pick off...
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