Hello allI Hope you are Well.I have been having some difficulty getting access to Leaves behind Shrubs etc. so.....This Morning, my Sister...
Hello allI Hope you are Well.I have been out in the Back Garden for a few Hours This Morning and have almost Finished getting it ready for...
Hello allI Hope you are Well.I have Four Spiraea in the Back Garden, Three Spiraea japonica 'Genpei' and One Unknown.They have not really...
Hello allI Hope you are Well.It is Finally getting to the Time when I will be giving the Lawns their First Cut of the Year.I am planning on...
Hello allI Hope you are Well.I have some Heuchera 'Melting Fire' in the Garden, the Originals and some Self Seeded.Unfortunately, due to...
Hello @ShealThe Dead Phormium Leaves were left for nearly Two Years as, for one reason or another, I was not able to get much Gardening done....
Hello @Butterfly6Thanks for the Reply and the Information.I have now Tidied them Both, they now look much Better.Also, since the Ninebark...
Hello @Pete8Thanks for your Help.The First Plants that I am Hoping to Propagate are:Penstemon 'Burgundy' Echinacea 'Delicious Candy' Phlox...
Hello @Butterfly6Sorry about that :sad:The Two I am currently looking at are Ninebark 'Burning Embers' and Weigela 'Florida Variegata'....
Hello @Pete8The Heat Mat was Delivered This Morning.Now I just need to Cut the Closed Cell Foam to Size, easier said than done,...
Hello allI Hope you are Well.I have a Couple of Shrubs that have developed overlong Upright Shoots.Can I Shorten these Branches by Pruning...
Hello @ricky101Thanks for the Link, however, I specifically want Echinacea 'Delicious Candy' because, well, I am Me :)It also means that I...
Hello @Pete8I do also have some 25mm Thick Closed Cell Foam but I thought that was overkill.I will wait until I receive the Heating Mat...
Hello @Pete8I have some Black Closed Cell Foam, 10mm Thick, that I could Cut to Size.Do you Think that 10mm Closed Cell Foam would suffice?...
Hello @Pete8One Question regarding the Heat Mat.One of the Reviews, there is always one, mentioned that the Heat Mat was placed on a Wooden...
Hello @Pete8Thanks for the Link, I have added it to the List.Kevin
Hello @ricky101Thanks for the Tip, I will look into the Heated Propagators.I went with the Clear Pots with Lids as they were the Cheaper...
Hello allI Hope your are Well.Rather that Start a New Thread I am Resurrecting this one :)Since I Originally Posted this Thread in February...
HelloThanks for the Replies.@Michael HewettThe Honeysuckle is Planted in the Border outside the Back Door so the Scent will be Nice to...
Hello allI Hope you are Well.Well, the New Lonicera periclymenum 'Serotina' - late Dutch honeysuckle has been Delivered and is now in the...
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