Weeds and moss are signs of a lawn in poor condition. By all means scarify the lawn which pulls out dead grass and rubbish [thatch] from the...
I use liquid feed everytimesee www.superspray.co.uk for lawn feeder that clips to hose and dilutes as you spray about £10 mail order plus...
Smashing up a path with a sledge hammer can be made easier if you try to "chip" at it rather than just smash it down in the middle.I try to...
My advice is DIG IT OUT! but be quick and carefulwhen you prune the thing, any clipping stems could root so easily, neigbours will be invaded,...
Ask avice from your Town Hall, ask for the Building Consultancy department.Problems can occur with really huge trees as they say there is as...
Try nematodes which are microscopic worms which live naturally inthe soil. Nemaslug is a popular brand name. Water the pot surface and see if...
see my post on evergreen complete. I thought phosrogen was high potash - may be wrong here but it should say on the label.
Years of chicken activity can produce a lot of chicken 'muck' which is high in amonia and can be very strong. It may be that the soil surface is...
I use 1part coir fibre to 4 parts JI no 1 to 2 parts river sand. [sharpe sand which tals to you when you rub it in your hands unlike builders...
I dont like to use granules but preffer a liquid lawn fertilizer Lawn magic. Many of the pelleted feeds place nitrates in th eleaves so the lawn...
I use tanalised boards 150mm and 22mm in section screwed to 40mm sq x 500mm pegs hammered into the ground at about 1500mm centres. Beds are...
Keepthe bag open sothat gases dont build up caused by the fertilizer reactingto air. It should be OK
What about starting off some sprouting broccoli, spring cabbage, Kale, spinnich beat. all will grow in pots til ready and stand the winter.
The organic lobby has little impact on taking off chemicals from the market because they are not organic. Its more to do with a whole range of...
If you have white fly then make the atmosphere a little damper by spraying the floor etc. They thrive when climate is hot and dry. Greenfly just...
Most varigated plants like shade and growing in full sun will reduce the varigation. Acer Palmatums grow under tree canopies in the wild and so...
Good quality fibreous loam is required what ever the task I think.For cuttings in winter 'hardwood' types make a deep V shape and fill with...
Only thing I can suggest is that you check that the air can escape through the grass box if it has one. Is the blade sharpe?
Grass grows from its base. The more its cut the thicker it gets. This time up to say end june mowing will be very regular then the grass starts...
Dont get too worried! When laying turf its always best to lay past the proposed boundary edge as a certain amount of die back is inevitable....
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